seo crawl test

Tips On Lead Generation From Semalt

Driving a traffic to your website can be a costly venture. When SEO fails, your business can experience a significant loss. A website is a digital marketplace. Whether you are looking for customers, clients or subscribers, winning over your competitors is a challenging task.

The Customer Success Manager of Semalt, Jason Adler has compiled a list of six tips that will boost the performance of your SEO campaign.

1. Create a micro landing page

For any specific keywords, a well prepared micro landing page can increase your conversion rates by 15%. A micro landing page is a page that pops up to show an interested person the information on a particular page. Most internet users are gladly checking such pages if they have necessary information. A visitor should find the content he/she is looking for soon enough so that will make a reader click your link.

2. Install live online chat HTML code

Live chat is a new trend important for online communication. Live chat is an easy option for a visitor to talk to an executive in the website directly once the page loads. From the admin panel, most live chat companies have a mobile app that allows an administrator chat with visitors like in a standard message app. Live chat is a great feature that will help you to increase leads and convert visitors into buyers.

3. Add your phone number

Reliable contact information helps in building credibility of a website. A site with a working phone number, following which you can get answer, will make people trust you over your competitors. In some cases, many scam sites do not include phone numbers due to fear of being tracked.

4. Make your website mobile-friendly

Research shows that mobile phone internet usage is slowly replacing desktop usage. 4% of global desktop users are switching to mobile. Over 75% of users above 16 in the USA have a smartphone. When you make your site responsive on smartphones, you stand to win over a particular demographic in your niche.

5. Add your address or location

More than 50% of internet users use search engines to find the address of a company or firm. About 18% of all daily searches, which were made by smartphones, lead to sales. Showing your address, physical location and offices builds credibility as well as increase the number of leads which transform into sales.

6. Use tutorial videos

Using an explainer video has turned out to be one of the most efficient lead generators. Many people run "how to" blogs, as well as many product companies put such videos in their content to get leads from individuals who prefer watching to reading.

Increasing leads to your website is a critical part of Search Engine Optimization. No method can guarantee a direct increase of the leads to a website. In other cases, a combination of two or more methods could be what is working. Every website situation is unique and has unique needs as far as the ranking is concerned. Following these tips, you will gain a reliable audience and constant practice of generating new leads.